Painting Christmas Ornaments with Kelly Kruse

Painting Christmas Ornaments with Kelly Kruse

Posted by Cass Art Staff on 5th Dec 2021

Starting to feel festive? Artist Kelly Kruse brings us this wonderful workshop demonstrating how make Christmas ornaments using Daler-Rowney FW inks. It'll make your Christmas decor stand out that little bit more this year. Enjoy!

About Kelly Kruse

Artist Kelly Kruse uses her work to explore the painful, beautiful experience of human transience, longing, and suffering. She developed a visual devotional practice as a response to her battle with depression, through which she wrestles with beauty, history, and theology. Kelly describes her work as contemporary illumination. Like the medieval monks who perfected the art of illuminated manuscripts, she seeks to awake in the viewer a sense of spiritual contemplation.

Materials Used:

Daler-Rowney FW Acrylic Artist Ink is an acrylic-based pigmented ink that is water-resistant on most surfaces. All colours have a three- or four-star rating for permanence, meaning that they can be used for permanent display. As well as using them in their raw state, you can dilute them to create subtle washes to which you can then add further layers. They're Available in bottles of 29.5ml (with a dispensing lid) or 180ml (with easy pour application lid).

Why not inject some personalised creative decor to your Christmas this year?

You can also read our artist feature on Kelly Kruse here. Also, be sure to follow her on her Instagram channel too.


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