Alizarin Crimson holds a special place in the hearts of artists and art enthusiasts alike. Its rich history, versatility, emotional resonance, and stability make it an essential colour in any artist's palette. From ancient civilizations to contemporary art movements, Alizarin Crimson has left an indelible mark on the world of art. Its timeless elegance continues to inspire and enchant, ensuring that it will remain a beloved hue for generations to come. We wanted to explore the various properties of this pigment and why it has become one of the most important colours to enter the artists palette.

Properties of Alizarin Crimson

Pigment no. PR83

Chemical Composition: - The pigment is derived from the roots of the madder plant, which contains the chemical compound alizarin.

Transparency - Alizarin Crimson is a transparent pigment, which means that it allows light to pass through it. When mixed with white or other opaque pigments, it creates a range of translucent shades that are useful for creating glazes and transparent washes which we explore with below.

Lightfastness - Alizarin Crimson has moderate to poor lightfastness, which means that it may fade over time when exposed to direct sunlight or UV light. This is because the pigment is sensitive to light and may break down over time. For this reason, Permenant Alizarin Crimson was made

"The allure of Alizarin Crimson lies in its ability to evoke deep emotions and tell vivid stories."

Alizarin Crimson excels at creating subtle tones and shades when mixed with cooler colours like blues or greens. By introducing it into these mixtures, you can achieve a range of beautiful purples, violets, and muted greys which you can see below. When mixed with warmer colours, such as yellows or oranges, alizarin crimson can add depth and richness to the resulting mixtures. It infuses warmth and complexity, intensifying the overall colour palette.

Alizarin Crimson and Phthalo Turquoise

Gradually mixing Alizarin Crimson and Phthalo Turquoise can result in interesting colour variations. As we know Alizarin Crimson is a deep red colour with a cool undertone, while Phthalo Turquoise is a vibrant greenish-blue colour. Worth remembering that Alizarin Crimson and Turquoise are complementary colours which means they’re situated opposite each other on the colour wheel. Combining complementary colours often creates visually striking and dynamic contrasts, such as a range of shades as you can see below from purplish-red to bluish-green.

Start with a small amount of Alizarin Crimson and gradually add a small amount of Phthalo Turquoise to it. Mix the two colours together thoroughly using a brush. When these two colours are mixed, you would likely get a rich, dark purple hue. The resulting colour will depend on the proportions of each colour used in the mixture.

Alizarin Crimson and Ultramarine Blue

When you mix Alizarin Crimson and Ultramarine Blue, you'll create a rich, dark purple color. The resulting color will have a depth and intensity that combines the characteristics of both Alizarin Crimson as we've discussed and Ultramarine Blue. This blue hue is a cool, dark blue shade that has a slight red undertone and is known for its strong tinting strength. The red undertone of Ultramarine Blue combines with the cool, bluish red of Alizarin Crimson. This interaction creates a rich, vibrant purple colour.

Alizarin Crimson and Pyrolle Yellow Deep

The combination of Alizarin Crimson and Pyrrole Yellow Deep produces vibrant and warm orange hues. Start with a small amount of Alizarin Crimson on your palette and gradually add Pyrrole Yellow Deep, adjusting the ratio until you achieve the desired shade of orange. This mixture is perfect for depicting sunsets, autumn foliage, or adding a pop of energetic warmth to your artwork.