Golden Heavybody Acrylic 59ml Phthalo Green (Blue Shade) #1270
RRP: £17.35
£3.40 off rrp
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Product Overview
Golden Heavy Body Acrylic Paint is a range of excellent-quality acrylic colours.
Made with pure pigments and without fillers or extenders, these are smooth and thick colours that produce outstanding results, holding peaks and brush or knife marks particularly well and with high permanence and lightfastness.
Unlike other acrylic colours, Golden Heavy Body Acrylics vary in gloss according to the pigment used; this leaves you the option of adding mediums to influence the effect produced. Golden Heavy Body Acrylic colours work well with the wide range of Golden gels and pastes.
Once dry acrylics are permanent and water-resistant.
Available in 59ml tubes and 473ml pots.
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Stocked inIslington, Glasgow, Bristol, Liverpool, Brighton and Manchester stores. The full range is available online.