If you thought portrait painting was something for the specialist, the expert, or that books about it had to be serious tomes, think again. In this exciting volume, Hashim will show you how to capture not just the appearance of your subject, but also their character. There's plenty about technique, but more than that and you'll find yourself picking up your brushes from the very start - this is a book that helps you learn from experience as you work. The book is peppered with advice too, with pearls such as "make it relatable" - creating a hook that draws the viewer in to a subject they don't know. That can be composition, expression, style or use of colour, but it catches the eye and asks questions before providing the answer on further examination. Hashim's style is dynamic and about as far from traditional portraiture as you can get, but it adds excitement and absolutely insists on further study. None of his subjects is a famous person, but you'll want to get to know every one of them. You'll also have the most enormous fun painting along with an author who's not only enthusiastic about his subject, but excellent at conveying that and explaining his methods. This is a book that's full of life and of a love of people as well as painting.
- Search Press
- Paperback
- 144 pages
- Colour throughout