Schmincke Horadam Gouache in Metal Tin 15ml Assorted Colours Set of 10
Was: £89.95RRP: £112.80
£32.85 off rrp
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Product Overview
Schmincke Horadam Finest Artist's Gouache from Schmincke is one of the very best ranges of Gouache available in the world today.
This broad-selection of brilliant colours are produced from only the very best and genuine pigments and are highly concentrated.
Horadam Gouache has maximum opacity without the use of adding white, along with the highest possible lightfastness ratings.
These colours have excellent flow and levelling properties and once dried they can be re-wetted for further use.
This is the perfect range for designers or artists who require an opaque form of watercolour of the very highest quality.
Colours Included
102 Titanium White 220 Lemon Yellow 226 Cadmium Yellow (Hue) 342 Cadmium Red (Hue) 354 Madder Lake Deep 464 Ultramarine Deep 520 Helio Green Bluish 640 Titanium Gold Ochre 648 Burnt Sienna 787 Ivory Black